Usage: textkit tokens2json [OPTIONS] [TOKEN_DOCS]...
Convert a set of token documents into a JSON array of document objects.
--ids PATH File with one id per token document, each separated by
a new line. Ids file is used to set the id attribute
in the output JSON.
--names PATH File with one name per token document, each separated
by a new line. Names file is used to set the name
attribute in the output JSON.
--field TEXT Attribute name where tokens will be stored in the
document object. [default: tokens]
--split / --no-split If enabled, textkit will attempt to split input
columns when packaging. This is useful when packaging
multiple column output like counts. [default: False]
-s, --sep TEXT Separator character between columns. Only used if
split-columns flag is used. [default: ,]
--help Show this message and exit.